Comparison of Kafka vs Kinesis

Storage of MessagesAs much as you want. On the cloud, you pay for storage.24 hours by default. Up to 7 days with a config change
Ordering of MessagesPartition levelShard level
Message Delivery SemanticsKafka guarantees at-least-once delivery by default. Kafka supports exactly-once delivery in Kafka StreamsKinesis Data Streams has at least once semantics
ReplicationUse Confluence’s MirrorMaker to replicate a topicAll message automatically replicates to all 3 availability zones
ScalingAdd more partitions to a topicAPI call to increase the number of shards
Partition/Shard ModificationIncrease only and does not repartition existing dataRe-shard by merging or splitting shards
Partition/Shard LimitationNo limit. Optimal partitions depend on the use case500 shards in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and EU (Ireland) regions. 200 shards in all other regions.
SecurityEither SSL or SASL and authentication of connections to Kafka Brokers from clients; authentication of connections from brokers to ZooKeeper; data encryption with SSL/TLSData can be secured at-rest by using server-side encryption and AWS KMS master keys on sensitive data within KDS. Access data privately via your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
ToolsKafka Connect – gets data in and out of Kafka.

Kafka Streams – stream processing of the data that flows through Kafka.
Video Streams

Data Streams

Data Firehose

Data Analytics
MonitoringYammer Metrics for metrics reporting in the serverAWS CloudWatch and CloudTrail
LimitationsDefault is 1MB per message, but can be changed
Message size is limited to 1MB.

You can only get records 5 times per second and up to 2MB per shard.

Need to add more shards (at an additional cost per shard) to scale.
PricingPer node

No concept of elasticity
Per shard hour
Per storage after 24 hours
Per PUT request

Shards are elastic, so you can decrease shards during slow periods